Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hello Kelly is in the studio ...

Hello, Kelly,
2009 was a crazy year for Hello Kelly, and, with some exciting things coming up in 2010, I want to make sure you guys are in the loop! So here goes nothing …

If you've been following Hello Kelly for any length of time, you know that there have been a LOT of musicians coming in and out of the band over the years.
There's something magical about a band that sticks with the same guys for a super long time. Even some of my favourite bands, Paramore, Jimmy Eat World and Motion City Soundtrack, have always had the same line-up.

But Canada's a tough place for full-time bands. Let's be honest, I always hoped that Hello Kelly would be one of those bands with the same 5 guys who stick together forever, but for whatever reasons, it never really worked out that way. This past year, my little brothers, Adam & Jacob have been playing with me in the band - along with Mat Lean, who's been with the band for over 3 years. At the end of the summer, they all felt called to head to school. They're all pursuing some really awesome dreams so I'm happy for them!

So the first thing you need to know is that I'm not giving up the ghost.
Hello Kelly lives on! I have some big plans and I really hope you'll stick around with me!

In November, I'm heading into the studio to record the second full-length Hello Kelly record. I. Am. So. Excited!
Recording is one of my favourite parts about being in a band and I can't wait to get these new tunes into your ears!
My hope is to release a couple tunes right after Christmas to give you guys a taste and then the full record in Spring 2010l.

At the same time, I'm gonna be doing some travelling to find a new batch of musicians to bring these songs to ballistic, energetic life on stage. In March 2010, we'll be embarking on the INTENSITY IN 10 CITIES TOUR 2010, featuring 10 exclusive stops in Ontario. In 2010, we'll be touring a LOT more in the USA too! The new show is gonna be everything you've come to expect from us, and so much MORE.

I'll keep everything updated so you know EXACTLY where we're playing!

In the mean time, you might not hear a lot of buzz about your favourite "little band that could" because I'm gonna be working hard on this new record, finding new guys and booking shows. Please be patient! It's kinda like hibernating for the winter! Hello Kelly will be back in 2010 with a rocket strapped to it's back, ready to blast off ...

If you're already a fan of Hello Kelly, then you know that there's a big heart and vision behind the band, and I promise that's not going anywhere. I'm 100% sure that you guys are going to LOVE where the band is going, so PLEASE keep checking back for updates.

I truly and deeply appreciate all of your support and love!

francy of Hello Kelly