Sunday, December 6, 2009

Our Christmas Gift to You!

Hey guys,
I REALLY appreciate all of the support you guys have been offering over the past couple months.

The record is tracked and now just needs some final touch up work, and then it goes to mixing. Mixing can be a lengthy process - I'm SO looking forward to releasing this record in Spring 2010. More details to come.

BUT - the main reason for this post is that it's Christmas time, and I wanted to shoot a present your way.
Our Christmas singles "Sleigh Ride" and "It's Beginning to Smell a Lot Like Christmas" are now POSTED on our MySpace page. ( AND, as a special gift to you, they're downloadable ... for FREE. Just click and you'll have it.

Burn it to your favourite Christmas music mix CD, put them in all your iPod playlists. Force your family to listen to it on the drive to Grandma's. 'TIS THE SEASON!


love you guys,

and the HK crue

Thursday, November 19, 2009

from the studio ...

Wow ...

I've been in nashville for 5 days so far and the new hello kelly record is already off to a roaring start. drums were all recorded in 2 days and we start bass today. i can hear adam finishing up the drum comping right now and i can tell you ... i am super excited. wow. this record is gonna be bananas.

i wish i could tell you all about it - the songs, the ideas, the artwork ... but i have to keep all of that from you or you won't be surprised when it comes out!

if you're on twitter, you should follow me at - as i'm tweeting my way through the recording of this record! looking forward to sharing new music with you!


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hello Kelly is in the studio ...

Hello, Kelly,
2009 was a crazy year for Hello Kelly, and, with some exciting things coming up in 2010, I want to make sure you guys are in the loop! So here goes nothing …

If you've been following Hello Kelly for any length of time, you know that there have been a LOT of musicians coming in and out of the band over the years.
There's something magical about a band that sticks with the same guys for a super long time. Even some of my favourite bands, Paramore, Jimmy Eat World and Motion City Soundtrack, have always had the same line-up.

But Canada's a tough place for full-time bands. Let's be honest, I always hoped that Hello Kelly would be one of those bands with the same 5 guys who stick together forever, but for whatever reasons, it never really worked out that way. This past year, my little brothers, Adam & Jacob have been playing with me in the band - along with Mat Lean, who's been with the band for over 3 years. At the end of the summer, they all felt called to head to school. They're all pursuing some really awesome dreams so I'm happy for them!

So the first thing you need to know is that I'm not giving up the ghost.
Hello Kelly lives on! I have some big plans and I really hope you'll stick around with me!

In November, I'm heading into the studio to record the second full-length Hello Kelly record. I. Am. So. Excited!
Recording is one of my favourite parts about being in a band and I can't wait to get these new tunes into your ears!
My hope is to release a couple tunes right after Christmas to give you guys a taste and then the full record in Spring 2010l.

At the same time, I'm gonna be doing some travelling to find a new batch of musicians to bring these songs to ballistic, energetic life on stage. In March 2010, we'll be embarking on the INTENSITY IN 10 CITIES TOUR 2010, featuring 10 exclusive stops in Ontario. In 2010, we'll be touring a LOT more in the USA too! The new show is gonna be everything you've come to expect from us, and so much MORE.

I'll keep everything updated so you know EXACTLY where we're playing!

In the mean time, you might not hear a lot of buzz about your favourite "little band that could" because I'm gonna be working hard on this new record, finding new guys and booking shows. Please be patient! It's kinda like hibernating for the winter! Hello Kelly will be back in 2010 with a rocket strapped to it's back, ready to blast off ...

If you're already a fan of Hello Kelly, then you know that there's a big heart and vision behind the band, and I promise that's not going anywhere. I'm 100% sure that you guys are going to LOVE where the band is going, so PLEASE keep checking back for updates.

I truly and deeply appreciate all of your support and love!

francy of Hello Kelly

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Hey Everybody!
I don’t have much time so I’ll make this quick!

Zach Havens, my very best friend from the band To Tell, and I wrote a song together called Down & Out. We recorded it together and I think it you’ll love it.

It goes back to the days when bands used to collaborate all the time. Those are my favourite kinds of music projects. It’s not about being competitive jerks and selling more T-Shirts than the other bands ... It’s just about making some sweet rock & roll together.

The song is up on their MySpace and ours so definitely check it out!!

And here’s the thing... We don’t want to make you guys pay for this song, so we’re just gonna let you download it. From MySpace, PureVolume, whatever. Just download it and send it to all your friends. It’s our gift to you!

But this is YOUR side of the deal: If you live in Canada, call you local Christian radio station and request this song EVERY SINGLE DAY! We wouldn’t be anything without you guys and your support! Please request this song and help us make it huge! Thanks so much!

Francy and the HK crue

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


That was fast!
Thanks be to the YouTube user who posted the video of us playing PAPER BAG PRINCESS at WonderJam a couple weeks ago.
If you wait until 3:38, you can see the stage manager waltz out on stage, grab my microphone, give me a look of "I hate you!" and then leave.
My favourite part is how all of us just keep on rockin', and then end the set without the mic.

Enjoy and send it to all your friends!

Remember ... watch closely at 3:38.

Thanks for reading, everybody!

We'll be posting more news soon!


Monday, July 6, 2009

We need that video!!

Two weekends ago, we played a huge show at Canada's Wonderland.
It was a blast! The weather was perfect, a ton of people came out to support us, and our set was a lot of fun.

I wish you guys could have seen the backstage area. Not because of how intense or cool it was, but the exact opposite. It was a gravel pit, with some buses and trailers, and a tent with a BBQ. And people think the rockstar life is glamorous!

But actually, the people with Premier Festivals hooked us up big time with delicious food. Chinese for dinner? We've only had Chinese at a show once before, and it was bad! So this was a nice change.

We played first, followed by Thousand Foot Krutch, Hawk Nelson, Relient K, a surprise appearance by members of Audio Adrenaline and then, to close to night off, MercyMe.
Now, I love all those bands - I'm an especially big fan of Relient K's music - but it was too bad that none of them left the backstage area to hang out with you guys. I had a bunch of people asking: "When's Relient K coming out? What's TFK coming out?" Unfortunately, I didn't have an answer!
But I thought it was cool that all the HK boys were out there in force, making friends. Some bands might think it's lame for us to run our own merch table and spend as little time back stage as possible, but to Hello Kelly, that's what it's all about!
If we become huge famous rock stars someday (hahahaha), I really hope we'll still be able to do that stuff!

But let me tell you the best part of that day!
The festival people gave us 30 minutes to play. We were SO honoured to be a part of such a big line-up. There were thousands of people there, so we were so happy and thankful and excited! We prepared a 30 minute set. (We timed it and everything!)
Boy oh boy.
At the end of our last song - Paper Bag Princess - we do a little outro section that lasts maybe 15 seconds. Right then, the stage manager walked out on stage in front of us, nabbed by mic, turned to me and said: "You're over time. You're DONE!" and then walked away with my mic!
I thought it was HILARIOUS.
In my brain I was thinking: "Yeah ... I KNOW we're done. There's literally 15 seconds left of our show." So it goes. Some people were really mad at that guy. I thought it was silly of him to pull a move like THAT, but whatever. :)

If anything, I think it made us look more B.A. (Am I allowed to say B.A. in this journal? If you're upset about it, e-mail us at and we can talk about it. Muah hah hah!)

So here's what I'm looking for!
I saw hundreds of digital cameras filming during our set. If ANYONE has the ending of PAPER BAG PRINCESS, PLEASE e-mail me! (
I NEED to get that clip, so we can post it on YouTube and our website so show everyone how hilarious it was. We'll even credit you for taking the video!

If you have that clip, PLEASE get in touch with us! Heck, I'll even send you a free shirt. :)

Thanks for reading! We'll see you again soon!

francy from HELLO KELLY

Friday, June 26, 2009


On Wednesday, we played a show in Cambridge, ON.

My goodness, was it ever hot that night. Wow.
The hottest shows I ever play are always in Cambridge. It always just works out that way. Despite the temperature, we had a great show. I felt really great about it.

The best part was in "Won't Back Down", where I get the crowd the separate and tell the right side to scream, and then the left side to scream, back and forth, etc. These kids were there to throw-down! I respect their enthusiasm but ... you know ... Hello Kelly's not a metal band.

BUT, we all appreciate metal music and love that scene. And it was an honour that these kids wanted to get down to business to our poppy music. So, after both sides had screamed back and forth a bit, I ordered them to face their opposing sides as if it were an enemy army ... and ... on the count of 3 ... charge at them, screaming, violently and throw'r'down.
Well, they did. And I'm pretty sure I heard a Braveheart inspired "FREEDOM" battle cry. It was inspiring.

Nobody was hurt either. Bonus.

Later that night, I was eating at Crabby Joe's and a couple $20's fell out of my pocket and someone stole them. Lame.

Can't win 'em all! Sigh.

TOMORROW - we're playing at Wonderland with Hawk Nelson, Thousand Foot Krutch, Relient K and MercyMe. If you're not going already, you might not be able to plan it ... but if you feel like a great show and going on some rides, GOOGLE Canada's Wonderland, find the address and make it happen.

The weather's supposed to be amazing and we're on at 3.

If you don't live in Central/Southern Ontario, then just wish us luck!

Thanks again for listening!


Monday, June 22, 2009

Welcome Summer!

Hey everybody!
Well, summer is officially here!

Would you like to know how I know?
Well, Sunday was Father's Day and my dad announced that he wanted to go fishing. Now, I'm not the biggest fisherman, but since he REALLY wanted to go, I (and my siblings) obliged!

Before setting off, we made sure to buy all the necessities: snacks, hats, flip-flops, more snack. Upon arriving at the lake, we realized that we'd forgotten one thing. Sunscreen.
My dad doesn't believe in sunscreen. Call me a wimp, but I do!

Anyway, long story short, I wore a hoodie all day (so hot!) to protect my arms from sunburns, but nothing could protect me knees and calves. Today I'm literally waddling everywhere like a penguin because my sunburnt legs to me so much.

Am I a baby?

Anyway, if this is the worst of it, then I don't mind. Because summer is a lot more than just sunburns!

Hello Kelly's already played a bunch of shows and they've been a blast. The line-up from tour is getting really solid and I'm so thankful for the guys and their hearts.

We've been eating nothing but burgers and hot dogs at all of our shows but we're OK with that because summer is ALL ABOUT burgers and hot dogs. THIS SATURDAY, we're playing WONDERJAM at Canada's Wonderland.

We're playing with MercyMe, Relient K, Thousand Foot Krutch and Hawk Nelson. WHAT AN HONOUR TO BE ON THIS SHOW!
We can't wait!
If you want tickets, just GOOGLE Canada's Wonderland you'll be able to figure it out. Or just show up that day and buy tickets to the park - they'll get you into the concerts as well.

We hope to see you guys there!

Hopefully my chicken legs heal up by then too! Heh heh.


Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Band House

I've never had a REAL band house experience before.

Back in 2005, I toured with some bands in Chicago and we ALL shared one house for a week. And in 2007, I recorded our record with our producer and another guitarist named Taylor. Both were great experiences, but I've never spent an extended amount of time in a house ALONE with JUST my band

Until now.

My friends Carolyn and TJ (coolest guy ever) let us stay in their house here in Winnipeg while they were away on vacation. You can check it out in our video section. It's been a nice week to relax, catch up on some reading, writing and movie watching.
But it wasn't awesome that I got sick on Wednesday. Fever. Chills. Body aches. I looked online and figured out that those were the symptoms of swine flu. Lame.
But we prayed for me. And a bunch of my friends back home prayed for me and I'm happy to report I'm feeling much better.
I'm still sipping on the nasty sauce (Buckley's), but I'm pretty sure it wasn't swine flu. Ha ha ha. And if it was, well, apparently I defeated it.

It's probably too soon to be joking about swine flu. Sorry everything.

That's a funny thing about prayer. Before TJ left, we were all having this big conversation about why God doesn't just give us everything we pray for if we have enough faith. There's always the example of the guy who prays for a sweet car and house and wife ... and God doesn't give it to him and the guy doesn't get it.
That one's kinda obvious.
But some people really believe that, as long as you have enough faith, God will grant any prayer you want. That sounds pretty fishy to me.
I think there's a big dynamic of prayer and God and faith that we don't understand so ... kinda sucks to be us. But at the same time, I'm kinda glad I don't get it. Like, everything.
Makes life a little easier to handle, I think.

Anyway, point being that I'm feeling better.
And I saw Wolverine. It wasn't bad. His claws looked really fake. That was unfortunate cause the rest of the movie was pretty good!

Anyway, we gotta get going. Show in Saskatchewan tonight!

Keep it straight, you're doing great!


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Down with the Sickness

I'm sick!!

This is so lame! On every tour, there's always one member of the band who gets sick, and that tour is tainted for that guy because he spent a lot of it miserable, sleeping, sneezing, etc. It's seldom been me, but it is this time!
But I'm committed to not letting it get me down! I must be strong!

Besides, my voice is still fully functional, so I can still sing. Phew.

The computer screen is actually contributing to my headache, so I should call it a night - but please pray! I would really appreciate that!

I've got some thoughts about healing and prayer that I was planning on sharing but this computer screen is really killing me. Dang - I'll share those tomorrow.

Keep it straight, you're doing great!


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Pizza Hut for 1985!

Hey from Chapleau, ON!

Ladies and gentlemen, we are WAY up in the far reaches of nothingness!
Before leaving on this tour, a friend of ours told us: "Better fill up yer tank in Iron Ridge! Won't be much else after that!" It's a good thing we took his advice!

We drove for 4 hours and we saw (I'm not kidding) ONLY 2 cars sharing the road with us. When we finally pulled into Chapleau, we had to laugh a little bit. The only resturant we saw was Pizza Hut and the sign looked like it was installed in 1985. We may have also made one or two jokes about the native population up here in Northern Ontario, but I have traces of native in my blood so I don't even feel bad! Muah hah hah.

See, Hello Kelly is a pretty adaptable band. We've played some really big shows but we've also played some tiny shows. But last night, when they told us they didn't have a sound system and I was gonna have to plug the microphone into the opening band's bass amp ... well, I'll be honest, I was a little apprehensive.
It's easy to get prideful, you know? "Do you even KNOW who we are? We're freakin' Hello Kelly! You better go find us a sound system or else ....."

I'm really glad that everybody in the band right now is so humble. It's a SERIOUS blessing.
We sound checked the best we could and then went to eat dinner. When we came out to play the show, there was a VERY awesome crowd waiting for us. And did they EVER go ballistic! We sold tons of shirts and CDs AND FIVE kids got sponsored through World Vision. Despite the technical setbacks, it was a GREAT kick-off to this tour!

So I believe God sent us into that show as a way of preparing us, humbling us ... or maybe just to chuckle at us. Ha ha. But in any case, I'm grateful for the experience.
ALSO - since we couldn't mic the guitar amp, I got to CRANK my amplifier and it sounded INCREDIBLE!

Today, we're attending the local pentecostal church and we'll probably eat lunch at the local 1985 Pizza Hut! Mmmmmm ...

We've had some requests to post more episodes of Hello Kelly TV. And don't worry, we intend to. I just have to get myself into a Future Shop and buy the right cable ...

... But I don't think I'll find a Future Shop up .... here.

SO - consider this the first update of many! Looking forward to seeing you guys out on the road!!

Keep it straight, you're doin' great!


Thursday, April 23, 2009



We have hibernating for a long time!
And I apologize for the lack of journal updates, video blogs and even the simplest of things, updating the shows on our website!

Sigh. We've been busy!

Here's a bit of a rundown of what the heck I'm gonna shoot your way in this update!

1. The Tour
2. The Show
3. The MySpace
4. The New Song

1. The "East Meets West Tour"

We're going on tour again!
Hello Kelly has never been out to western Canada, but that will have changed in a month. On Saturday, we pile into the van for The East Meets West Tour. We'll drive around the Great Lakes, start in Steinbach, MB and end up in Vancouver, BC.
All of the dates are now posted on both and

Some of the details for the shows aren't posted yet. We'll have those up for you very soon, so no worries!

If you live out in Western Canada, we're REALLY looking forward to hanging out with you!

Also, if we don't have a show in your city, it's not too late! We're still trying to book some dates on our drive home from May 22nd to June 5th. And we'll be driving through anyway, so we'll probably be able to give you a great deal! If you're interested, get in touch at

2. The Show

Since January, we've been working with some trusted friends to make sure our show in 2009 is totally up to par with what you've come to expect from Hello Kelly and THEN SOME! In March, we tinkered with our new show on the Intensity in TEN Cities Tour with To Tell. Now, we're feeling super confident about it.

My brothers Adam and Jacob (their twins) are helping us out on bass and drums (respectively) for the rest of this year, and it's been a lot of fun on the road so far! We've added some new songs into the set AND brought back some older songs.

Even if you can't catch the East Meets West tour, we're booking up the summer in Ontario, PLUS we'll be playing a couple show in the north-east USA.

3. The MySpace

Tom from MySpace recently made it possible for every band to upload more songs. So we went for it!
I put up Thinking Positive and Favourite Arcade from our current record, and also The Perfect Place and Cavalry from our old record - because we've been getting tons of requests to post those.

Also ... I posted a demo of a song I wrote in Nashville with my friend Adam Smith. It's called Your Name in Vain. This song is REALLY important to me. I wanted to share a bit of the story.

4. The New Song

When I was in Nashville writing songs for the current record, our label had me writing with a bunch of different professional songwriters. Some of them (like Adam) were AWESOME. But some other ones weren't so great. They'd push me to add "Jesus" in a song just to make it climb the charts and earn us money.

That kinda rubbed me the wrong way, you know? Yes, I'm a Christian and I want to live in a way that shows people that I take my beliefs VERY seriously - but that doesn't mean every single song I write is going to be about Jesus, you know? I experience a bunch of different kinds of things in life, so I like to write about those too! :)

So in a writing session with Adam Smith (the writer I like), I was telling him about all this. I asked him: "If we were to put Jesus into EVERY SINGLE SONG WE WRITE, do you think God would be honoured by that ... or is it just using His name in vain?"

And we both kinda looked at each other and decided to write a song about it. Ha ha ha.

So, I hope you like it. It IS a bit more focused on faith and God than a lot of our other songs, but I hope that's cool with you cause it really comes from my heart!

Thanks so much for reading, everybody!!


Saturday, February 7, 2009


Hey everybody!
We have got some GREAT news!

Our current single FALL OVER ME is #2 on the Canadian CHR charts and it's very close to breaking the Top 20 on USA CHR.
We're hyper excited about that 'cause that's the highest we've ever been on the USA charts. And it's all thanks to your votes and requests!
But you know what this means! PLEASE keep calling and e-mailing your local Christian music stations and requesting FALL OVER ME by HELLO KELLY, so we can keep pushing the song up the charts.
If we can get into the TOP 10, then that means a LOT of cool things for the band. More exciting touring opportunities, especially - which means we could play 1. closer to you and 2. bigger shows!
So please keep calling and calling!

We had a band practice today and it was VERY exhausting! BUT the new show is coming together and we're all REALLY, REALLY excited about it! We'll update the websites with all the touring information, posters and everything.
Thanks SO much, everyone!

-francy and the HK crue

Friday, January 16, 2009

Green eggs and ham ...

So how do you like the video?

Thus far the response has been great! Thanks so much everyone for watching the video and leaving your comments. This is my favourite comment so far:

"I love this video!
You guys are the best band out there.
My opinion is your way better then the Jonas Brothers........=]"

"Way better than the Jonas Brothers" ... That's the best thing I've heard all week!

I'm really looking forward to making another video - who knows when that will happen though. Hopefully very soon, right?
I'm really procrastinating heading to work today. It's like, minus a million degrees Celsius here in Ontario! Brrrrr!

To warm myself up, I made myself breakfast ... eggs and ham. Delicious, right? Nope. The best part was the toast. I'm gonna keep practicing ...

See you soon!


Thursday, January 15, 2009

SIMPLE LOVE SONG music video


The video for SIMPLE LOVE SONG is ready to be posted online EVERYWHERE.
It's going to be online for you to view tonight ... so make sure you're in front of a computer so you can check it out!

Here are the different ways you can view it:

This is where we want you to view the video because this is where it's going to the highest quality! Just click on the VIDEO section and choose low, medium or high quality.

If you view it here, make sure to click on "WATCH in HD" so that you get a bit of a quality upgrade. Also, while you're here, check out some of our video blogs from tour!

We'll embed the video into our MySpace, but it WILL be the lowest quality. But that's alright - you can check it out here if you're already on our MySpace checking out songs or blogs or show dates.

While I'm talking about show dates, let me tell you: Our little hibernation period has been great! We're booking some great shows and they will all be posted very soon so you can plan to come check out a show! I seriously can't wait to hang out with you guys again!

BACK TO THE VIDEO! You guys, we need your help with this. We REALLY need you to e-mail all your friends, family, acquaintances, enemies ... EVERYBODY ... and tell them about this video. We're VERY proud of it and we think that you're going to love it - so we want as many people to see it as possible! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!! DEAL?

We're also working on getting it into rotation at stations like Much Music and MTV, and some Christian media outlets as well ... so if you're the praying type, keep us in your prayers for that!

Thanks so much for all of your support and we hope you LOVE the SIMPLE LOVE SONG video!!

All our love,
francy and the HK crue

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year!


I hope 2009 is kicking you in the face with happiness and great opportunities! On New Years Eve, I planned to head to Toronto with the director of Hello Kelly's new music video, Jon Steckley. But we got distracted before getting on the subway and decided to go see "Yes Man". It was okay ... When the movie got out, we had 11 minutes left. We didn't want to count down to 2009 on the subway, so we climbed up to the roof and counted it down there. It was definitely a little strange but it made for a night to remember.

Speaking of Jon, he just sent me the final version of the music video. I LOVE it and can't wait for you to see it! If you haven't seen the TRAILER for the video, here it is now:

We might have to push the release date back a LITTLE bit because we have to figure out the best way to launch it and believe it or not, the process is stupid complicated. I'll definitely keep you updated!

Have you made any resolutions for 2009? You should leave comments or send e-mails and let me know what they are, even if it's a completely ridiculous one. I remember knowing a guy who gave up chocolate for a year ... and HE DID IT! In 2007, I gave up Coke (and all related drinks). I was pretty proud of myself, so I think I'm going to do it again this year.

If you haven't heard a lot from Hello Kelly in the past little while, it's because we're hibernating. But that doesn't mean we're not busy. Rehearsals start next week! The plan is to work some new songs into the set and bring back some old ones that we haven't been playing for a while. Any requests? We're planning a pretty extensive tour of Ontario in March, and if you live in Western Canada, you'll have a chance to finally check out our live show when we're out there in May. FINALLY! Tour dates will be up soon!

Our single FALL OVER ME is doing really well on the radio, but we need your help to keep boosting it up the charts. PLEASE call or e-mail your local Christian radio station and request "FALL OVER ME" by Hello Kelly. I wish there was a way for us to show you how much we appreciate your support! Thank you all SO MUCH!!

Also, don't forget about the first annual "Design a Hello Kelly T-Shirt Contest". If you'd like to submit a design, e-mail us at

Last but not least, there IS a pretty substantial announcement I want to make ... but I'm not allowed to make it, so I'll save it for another journal blast.
Until next time, Hello Kelly Nation ... Keep it straight, you're doing great!

-francy and the HK crue

PS. If you use RSS feeds to read blogs and what-not, go ahead and subscribe to our blog by pasting THIS link into your browser.