Wednesday, July 8, 2009


That was fast!
Thanks be to the YouTube user who posted the video of us playing PAPER BAG PRINCESS at WonderJam a couple weeks ago.
If you wait until 3:38, you can see the stage manager waltz out on stage, grab my microphone, give me a look of "I hate you!" and then leave.
My favourite part is how all of us just keep on rockin', and then end the set without the mic.

Enjoy and send it to all your friends!

Remember ... watch closely at 3:38.

Thanks for reading, everybody!

We'll be posting more news soon!


Monday, July 6, 2009

We need that video!!

Two weekends ago, we played a huge show at Canada's Wonderland.
It was a blast! The weather was perfect, a ton of people came out to support us, and our set was a lot of fun.

I wish you guys could have seen the backstage area. Not because of how intense or cool it was, but the exact opposite. It was a gravel pit, with some buses and trailers, and a tent with a BBQ. And people think the rockstar life is glamorous!

But actually, the people with Premier Festivals hooked us up big time with delicious food. Chinese for dinner? We've only had Chinese at a show once before, and it was bad! So this was a nice change.

We played first, followed by Thousand Foot Krutch, Hawk Nelson, Relient K, a surprise appearance by members of Audio Adrenaline and then, to close to night off, MercyMe.
Now, I love all those bands - I'm an especially big fan of Relient K's music - but it was too bad that none of them left the backstage area to hang out with you guys. I had a bunch of people asking: "When's Relient K coming out? What's TFK coming out?" Unfortunately, I didn't have an answer!
But I thought it was cool that all the HK boys were out there in force, making friends. Some bands might think it's lame for us to run our own merch table and spend as little time back stage as possible, but to Hello Kelly, that's what it's all about!
If we become huge famous rock stars someday (hahahaha), I really hope we'll still be able to do that stuff!

But let me tell you the best part of that day!
The festival people gave us 30 minutes to play. We were SO honoured to be a part of such a big line-up. There were thousands of people there, so we were so happy and thankful and excited! We prepared a 30 minute set. (We timed it and everything!)
Boy oh boy.
At the end of our last song - Paper Bag Princess - we do a little outro section that lasts maybe 15 seconds. Right then, the stage manager walked out on stage in front of us, nabbed by mic, turned to me and said: "You're over time. You're DONE!" and then walked away with my mic!
I thought it was HILARIOUS.
In my brain I was thinking: "Yeah ... I KNOW we're done. There's literally 15 seconds left of our show." So it goes. Some people were really mad at that guy. I thought it was silly of him to pull a move like THAT, but whatever. :)

If anything, I think it made us look more B.A. (Am I allowed to say B.A. in this journal? If you're upset about it, e-mail us at and we can talk about it. Muah hah hah!)

So here's what I'm looking for!
I saw hundreds of digital cameras filming during our set. If ANYONE has the ending of PAPER BAG PRINCESS, PLEASE e-mail me! (
I NEED to get that clip, so we can post it on YouTube and our website so show everyone how hilarious it was. We'll even credit you for taking the video!

If you have that clip, PLEASE get in touch with us! Heck, I'll even send you a free shirt. :)

Thanks for reading! We'll see you again soon!

francy from HELLO KELLY