Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Band House

I've never had a REAL band house experience before.

Back in 2005, I toured with some bands in Chicago and we ALL shared one house for a week. And in 2007, I recorded our record with our producer and another guitarist named Taylor. Both were great experiences, but I've never spent an extended amount of time in a house ALONE with JUST my band

Until now.

My friends Carolyn and TJ (coolest guy ever) let us stay in their house here in Winnipeg while they were away on vacation. You can check it out in our video section. It's been a nice week to relax, catch up on some reading, writing and movie watching.
But it wasn't awesome that I got sick on Wednesday. Fever. Chills. Body aches. I looked online and figured out that those were the symptoms of swine flu. Lame.
But we prayed for me. And a bunch of my friends back home prayed for me and I'm happy to report I'm feeling much better.
I'm still sipping on the nasty sauce (Buckley's), but I'm pretty sure it wasn't swine flu. Ha ha ha. And if it was, well, apparently I defeated it.

It's probably too soon to be joking about swine flu. Sorry everything.

That's a funny thing about prayer. Before TJ left, we were all having this big conversation about why God doesn't just give us everything we pray for if we have enough faith. There's always the example of the guy who prays for a sweet car and house and wife ... and God doesn't give it to him and the guy doesn't get it.
That one's kinda obvious.
But some people really believe that, as long as you have enough faith, God will grant any prayer you want. That sounds pretty fishy to me.
I think there's a big dynamic of prayer and God and faith that we don't understand so ... kinda sucks to be us. But at the same time, I'm kinda glad I don't get it. Like, everything.
Makes life a little easier to handle, I think.

Anyway, point being that I'm feeling better.
And I saw Wolverine. It wasn't bad. His claws looked really fake. That was unfortunate cause the rest of the movie was pretty good!

Anyway, we gotta get going. Show in Saskatchewan tonight!

Keep it straight, you're doing great!
